Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

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1.            Angeli E, Verdecchia P, Narducci P and Angeli F. Additive value of standard ECG for the risk prediction of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension. 2011;34:707-13.

2.            Angeli F, Angeli E, Ambrosio G, Mazzotta G, Cavallini C, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Neutrophil count and ambulatory pulse pressure as predictors of cardiovascular adverse events in postmenopausal women with hypertension. American journal of hypertension. 2011;24:591-8.

3.            Angeli F, Angeli E, Ambrosio G, Mazzotta G, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Neutrophil count for the identification of postmenopausal hypertensive women at increased cardiovascular risk. Obstetrics and gynecology. 2010;115:695-703.

4.            Angeli F, Angeli E, Cavallini C, Ambrosio G, Mazzotta G, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Electrocardiographic abnormalities of left ventricular repolarization: prognostic implications in hypertensive post-menopausal women. Maturitas. 2010;67:159-65.

5.            Angeli F, Angeli E, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy: clinical applicability of risk prediction models. Journal of hypertension. 2011;29:2320-3.

6.            Angeli F, Angeli E and Verdecchia P. Electrocardiographic changes in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension. 2014;37:973-5.

7.            Angeli F, Gentile G, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers and protection from stroke. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy. 2008;6:1171-4.

8.            Angeli F, Reboldi G, Garofoli M, Ramundo E, Poltronieri C, Mazzotta G, Ambrosio G and Verdecchia P. Atrial fibrillation and mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction: a systematic overview and meta-analysis. Current cardiology reports. 2012;14:601-10.

9.            Angeli F, Reboldi G, Garofoli M, Ramundo E and Verdecchia P. Very early initiation of statin therapy and mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Acute cardiac care. 2012;14:34-9.

10.          Angeli F, Reboldi G, Gentile G and Verdecchia P. The emerging role of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in hypertension trials. Journal of hypertension. 2009;27:458-60.

11.          Angeli F, Reboldi G, Mazzotta G, Garofoli M, Cerasa MF and Verdecchia P. Statins in acute coronary syndrome: very early initiation and benefits. Therapeutic advances in cardiovascular disease. 2012;6:163-74.

12.          Angeli F, Reboldi G, Mazzotta G, Garofoli M, Ramundo E, Poltronieri C and Verdecchia P. Fixed-dose combination therapy in hypertension: cons. High blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention : the official journal of the Italian Society of Hypertension. 2012;19:51-4.

13.          Angeli F, Reboldi G, Mazzotta G, Poltronieri C, Garofoli M, Ramundo E, Biadetti A and Verdecchia P. Safety and efficacy of aliskiren in the treatment of hypertension and associated clinical conditions. Current drug safety. 2012;7:76-85.

14.          Angeli F, Reboldi G, Mazzotta G, Poltronieri C and Verdecchia P. Safety and efficacy of aliskiren in the treatment of hypertension: a systematic overview. Expert opinion on drug safety. 2012;11:659-70.

15.          Angeli F, Reboldi G, Poltronieri C, Angeli E, De Filippo V, Crocetti A, Bartolini C, D'Ambrosio C and Verdecchia P. Efficacy and safety profile of aliskiren: practical implications for clinicians. Current drug safety. 2014;9:106-17.

16.          Angeli F, Reboldi G, Poltronieri C, Bartolini C, D'Ambrosio C, de Filippo V and Verdecchia P. Clinical utility of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the management of hypertension. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy. 2014;12:623-34.

17.          Angeli F, Reboldi G, Repaci S, Garofoli M, Casavecchia M, Ambrosio G and Verdecchia P. [Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in clinical practice]. Giornale italiano di cardiologia. 2008;9:402-7.

18.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. "The lower the BP the better" paradigm in the elderly: vanished by VALISH? Hypertension. 2010;56:182-4.

19.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Masked hypertension: evaluation, prognosis, and treatment. American journal of hypertension. 2010;23:941-8.

20.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Lowering blood pressure with beta-blockers in peripheral artery disease: the importance of comorbidity. Journal of hypertension. 2011;29:1298-302.

21.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Good news for beta-blockers in perioperative medicine. Expert opinion on drug safety. 2011;10:491-8.

22.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Modern treatment of patients at risk: still a HOPE for ACE inhibitors? Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy. 2011;12:839-43.

23.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. More than a REASON to use arterial stiffness as risk marker and therapeutic target in hypertension. Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension. 2011;34:445-7.

24.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy: implications for clinicians. Journal of hypertension. 2012;30:2279-84.

25.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. "From apennines to andes:" does body mass index affect the relationship between age and blood pressure? Hypertension. 2012;60:6-7.

26.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Microcirculation and left-ventricular hypertrophy. Journal of hypertension. 2012;30:477-81.

27.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Hypertension around the world: new insights from developing countries. Journal of hypertension. 2013;31:1358-61.

28.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Protein intake in type 1 diabetes: putting controversies into perspectives. Journal of hypertension. 2013;31:1086-90.

29.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Modernization and hypertension: is the link changing? Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension. 2013;36:676-8.

30.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Hypertension and the J-curve phenomenon: implications for tight blood pressure control. Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension. 2013;36:109-11.

31.          Angeli F, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. Hypertension, inflammation and atrial fibrillation. Journal of hypertension. 2014;32:480-3.

32.          Angeli F, Repaci S, Borgioni C, Sardone M, Scotti A and Verdecchia P. Effects of barnidipine on blood pressure and left ventricular diastolic function in patients with hypertension and metabolic syndrome: A 12-week, open-label noncomparison study. Current therapeutic research, clinical and experimental. 2008;69:207-20.

33.          Angeli F, Sardone M, Angeli E, Repaci S, Gattobigio R and Verdecchia P. Validation of the A&D wrist-cuff UB-511 (UB-512) device for self-measurement of blood pressure. Blood pressure monitoring. 2006;11:349-54.

34.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Angeli E, Poeta F, Sardone M, Bentivoglio M, Prosciutti L, Cocchieri M, Zollino L, Bellomo G, Rondoni F, Garognoli O, Lenti S, Frigerio C, Gattobigio R, Benemio G, Biscottini B, Panciarola R, Buccolieri M, Liberati R, Trottini M, Cipollini F, Gemelli F, Schillaci G and Porcellati C. Day-to-day variability of electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients. Influence of electrode placement. Journal of cardiovascular medicine. 2006;7:812-6.

35.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Del Pinto M, Cavallini C and Reboldi G. Perioperative beta blockade: the debate continues. Lancet. 2009;373:627; author reply 628.

36.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Gattobigio R, Sardone M and Reboldi G. White-coat hypertension in adults. Blood pressure monitoring. 2005;10:301-5.

37.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Iacobellis G and Reboldi G. Usefulness of QRS voltage correction by body mass index to improve electrocardiographic detection of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with systemic hypertension. The American journal of cardiology. 2014;114:427-32.

38.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Karthikeyan G, Mazzotta G, Del Pinto M, Repaci S, Gatteschi C, Gentile G, Cavallini C and Reboldi G. New-onset hyperglycemia and acute coronary syndrome: a systematic overview and meta-analysis. Current diabetes reviews. 2010;6:102-10.

39.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Karthikeyan G, Mazzotta G, Gentile G and Reboldi G. ss-Blockers reduce mortality in patients undergoing high-risk non-cardiac surgery. American journal of cardiovascular drugs : drugs, devices, and other interventions. 2010;10:247-59.

40.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Karthikeyan G, Mazzotta G, Repaci S, del Pinto M, Gentile G, Cavallini C and Reboldi G. Beta-blockers and risk of all-cause mortality in non-cardiac surgery. Therapeutic advances in cardiovascular disease. 2010;4:109-18.

41.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Pascucci C, Poltronieri C and Reboldi G. Pharmacokinetic evaluation and clinical utility of azilsartan medoxomil for the treatment of hypertension. Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology. 2013;9:379-85.

42.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Pellegrino C, Pellegrino RG, Pellegrino G, Prosciutti L, Giannoni C, Cianetti S and Bentivoglio M. Association between periodontal disease and left ventricle mass in essential hypertension. Hypertension. 2003;41:488-92.

43.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Poltronieri C, Bartolini C, de Filippo V, D'Ambrosio C and Reboldi G. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the elderly: features and perspectives. Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD. 2014;24:1052-6.

44.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Reboldi GP, Gattobigio R, Bentivoglio M, Staessen JA and Porcellati C. Calcium channel blockade to prevent stroke in hypertension: a meta-analysis of 13 studies with 103,793 subjects. American journal of hypertension. 2004;17:817-22.

45.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Reboldi GP, Gattobigio R, Bentivoglio M, Staessen JA and Porcellati C. Meta-Analysis of effectiveness or lack thereof of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for prevention of heart failure in patients with systemic hypertension. The American journal of cardiology. 2004;93:240-3.

46.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Savonitto S, Arraiz G, Zaninotto M, Broccatelli A, Cosma C, De Servi S, Sabino F, Briguori C, Ambrosio G and Cavallini C. Cystatin C and risk of mortality among patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology. 2014.

47.          Angeli F, Verdecchia P, Savonitto S, Morici N, De Servi S and Cavallini C. Early invasive versus selectively invasive strategy in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: impact of age. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions. 2014;83:686-701.

48.          Mancia G, Schumacher H, Redon J, Verdecchia P, Schmieder R, Jennings G, Yusoff K, Ryden L, Liu GL, Teo K, Sleight P and Yusuf S. Blood pressure targets recommended by guidelines and incidence of cardiovascular and renal events in the Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination With Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial (ONTARGET). Circulation. 2011;124:1727-36.

49.          Reboldi G, Angeli F, Cavallini C, Gentile G, Mancia G and Verdecchia P. Comparison between angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers on the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and death: a meta-analysis. Journal of hypertension. 2008;26:1282-9.

50.          Reboldi G, Angeli F, de Simone G, Staessen JA, Verdecchia P and Cardio-Sis I. Tight versus standard blood pressure control in patients with hypertension with and without cardiovascular disease. Hypertension. 2014;63:475-82.

51.          Reboldi G, Angeli F and Verdecchia P. Multivariable analysis in cerebrovascular research: practical notes for the clinician. Cerebrovascular diseases. 2013;35:187-93.

52.          Reboldi G, Angeli F and Verdecchia P. Interpretation of ambulatory blood pressure profile for risk stratification: keep it simple. Hypertension. 2014;63:913-4.

53.          Reboldi G, Gentile G, Angeli F, Ambrosio G, Mancia G and Verdecchia P. Effects of intensive blood pressure reduction on myocardial infarction and stroke in diabetes: a meta-analysis in 73,913 patients. Journal of hypertension. 2011;29:1253-69.

54.          Reboldi G, Gentile G, Angeli F, Ambrosio G, Mancia G and Verdecchia P. Blood pressure lowering in diabetic patients. Journal of hypertension. 2012;30:438-9.

55.          Reboldi G, Gentile G, Angeli F and Verdecchia P. Microalbuminuria and hypertension. Minerva medica. 2005;96:261-75.

56.          Reboldi G, Gentile G, Angeli F and Verdecchia P. Exploring the optimal combination therapy in hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy. 2009;7:1349-61.

57.          Reboldi G, Gentile G, Angeli F and Verdecchia P. Choice of ACE inhibitor combinations in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes: update after recent clinical trials. Vascular health and risk management. 2009;5:411-27.

58.          Reboldi G, Gentile G, Angeli F and Verdecchia P. Blood pressure lowering in the oldest old. Journal of hypertension. 2010;28:1373-6.

59.          Reboldi G, Gentile G, Angeli F and Verdecchia P. Optimal therapy in hypertensive subjects with diabetes mellitus. Current atherosclerosis reports. 2011;13:176-85.

60.          Reboldi G, Gentile G, Angeli F and Verdecchia P. Pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and clinical evaluation of aliskiren for hypertension treatment. Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology. 2011;7:115-28.

61.          Reboldi G, Gentile G, Manfreda VM, Angeli F and Verdecchia P. Tight blood pressure control in diabetes: evidence-based review of treatment targets in patients with diabetes. Current cardiology reports. 2012;14:89-96.

62.          Schillaci G, Reboldi G and Verdecchia P. High-normal serum creatinine concentration is a predictor of cardiovascular risk in essential hypertension. Archives of internal medicine. 2001;161:886-91.

63.          Schillaci G, Vaudo G, Pasqualini L, Reboldi G, Porcellati C and Verdecchia P. Left ventricular mass and systolic dysfunction in essential hypertension. Journal of human hypertension. 2002;16:117-22.

64.          Schillaci G, Vaudo G, Reboldi G, Verdecchia P, Lupattelli G, Pasqualini L, Porcellati C and Mannarino E. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and left ventricular hypertrophy in essential hypertension. Journal of hypertension. 2001;19:2265-70.

65.          Schillaci G and Verdecchia P. [Are all antihypertensive agents equal? Cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients randomized to treatment with doxazosin or chlorthalidone. The ALLHAT study]. Italian heart journal Supplement : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology. 2000;1:1215-7.

66.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, Benemio G and Porcellati C. Blood pressure rise and ischaemic stroke. Lancet. 1995;346:1366-7.

67.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, Borgioni C, Ciucci A, Gattobigio R, Sacchi N, Benemio G and Porcellati C. Predictors of diurnal blood pressure changes in 2042 subjects with essential hypertension. Journal of hypertension. 1996;14:1167-73.

68.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, Borgioni C, Ciucci A and Porcellati C. Early cardiac changes after menopause. Hypertension. 1998;32:764-9.

69.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, Borgioni C, Ciucci A and Porcellati C. Lack of association between blood pressure variability and left ventricular mass in essential hypertension. American journal of hypertension. 1998;11:515-22.

70.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, Borgioni C, Ciucci A, Zampi I, Battistelli M, Gattobigio R, Sacchi N and Porcellati C. Association between persistent pressure overload and ventricular arrhythmias in essential hypertension. Hypertension. 1996;28:284-9.

71.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, de Simone G, Sacchi N, Bruni B, Benemio G and Porcellati C. Persistence of increased left ventricular mass despite optimal blood pressure control in hypertension. Italian heart journal : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology. 2000;1:354-60.

72.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, Pede S and Porcellati C. Electrocardiography for left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertension: time for re-evaluation? Giornale italiano di cardiologia. 1998;28:706-13.

73.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P and Porcellati C. Does echocardiography overestimate left ventricular mass? Journal of hypertension. 1997;15:213-4.

74.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, Porcellati C, Cuccurullo O, Cosco C and Perticone F. Continuous relation between left ventricular mass and cardiovascular risk in essential hypertension. Hypertension. 2000;35:580-6.

75.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, Reboldi G, Pede S and Porcellati C. Subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in systemic hypertension and the role of 24-hour blood pressure. The American journal of cardiology. 2000;86:509-13.

76.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, Sacchi N, Bruni B, Benemio G, Pede S and Porcellati C. Clinical relevance of office underestimation of usual blood pressure in treated hypertension. American journal of hypertension. 2000;13:523-8.

77.          Schillaci G, Verdecchia P, Sacchi N, Vignai E, Benemio G and Porcellati C. Influence of cigarette smoking on the electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in arterial hypertension. Giornale italiano di cardiologia. 1999;29:34-8.

78.          Verdecchia P. White-coat hypertension in adults and children. Blood pressure monitoring. 1999;4:175-9.

79.          Verdecchia P. [Cardiac failure in hypertensive cardiopathy]. Italian heart journal : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology. 2000;1 Suppl 2:72-7.

80.          Verdecchia P. Prognostic value of ambulatory blood pressure : current evidence and clinical implications. Hypertension. 2000;35:844-51.

81.          Verdecchia P. Using out of office blood pressure monitoring in the management of hypertension. Current hypertension reports. 2001;3:400-5.

82.          Verdecchia P. [Systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure: prognostic implications]. Italian heart journal Supplement : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology. 2001;2:369-74.

83.          Verdecchia P and Agabiti-Rosei E. [Indications for echocardiography in subjects with essential arterial hypertension]. Italian heart journal Supplement : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology. 2000;1:1076-7.

84.          Verdecchia P and Angeli F. [The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the weapons are ready]. Revista espanola de cardiologia. 2003;56:843-7.

85.          Verdecchia P and Angeli F. Reversal of left ventricular hypertrophy: what have recent trials taught us? American journal of cardiovascular drugs : drugs, devices, and other interventions. 2004;4:369-78.

86.          Verdecchia P and Angeli F. Assessment of the optimal daily dose of valsartan in patients with hypertension, heart failure, or both. Clinical therapeutics. 2004;26:460-72.

87.          Verdecchia P and Angeli F. Antihypertensive drugs and coronary artery disease : evidence from controlled trials. High blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention : the official journal of the Italian Society of Hypertension. 2005;12:119-24.

88.          Verdecchia P and Angeli F. How can we use the results of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in clinical practice? Hypertension. 2005;46:25-6.

89.          Verdecchia P and Angeli F. The natural history of white-coat hypertension in the long term. Blood pressure monitoring. 2005;10:65-6.

90.          Verdecchia P and Angeli F. Natural history of hypertension subtypes. Circulation. 2005;111:1094-6.

91.          Verdecchia P and Angeli F. Does brachial pulse pressure predict coronary events? Advances in cardiology. 2007;44:150-9.

92.          Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Achilli P, Castellani C, Broccatelli A, Gattobigio R and Cavallini C. Echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertension: marker for future events or mediator of events? Current opinion in cardiology. 2007;22:329-34.

93.          Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Achilli P, Castellani C, Repaci S and Ambrosio G. [Beta-blockers and arterial hypertension. Evidence-based medicine or excessive perseverance?]. Giornale italiano di cardiologia. 2007;8:552-8.

94.          Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Bartolini C, De Filippo V, Aita A, Di Giacomo L, Poltronieri C, Lip GY and Reboldi G. Safety and efficacy of non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants in non-valvular atrial fibrillation: a Bayesian meta-analysis approach. Expert opinion on drug safety. 2014:1-14.

95.          Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Borgioni C, Gattobigio R, de Simone G, Devereux RB and Porcellati C. Changes in cardiovascular risk by reduction of left ventricular mass in hypertension: a meta-analysis. American journal of hypertension. 2003;16:895-9.

96.          Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Borgioni C, Gattobigio R and Reboldi G. Ambulatory blood pressure and cardiovascular outcome in relation to perceived sleep deprivation. Hypertension. 2007;49:777-83.

97.          Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Borgioni C, Repaci S, Guerrieri M, Andreani F, Garofoli M and Reboldi G. Prognostic value of circadian blood pressure changes in relation to differing measures of day and night. Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : JASH. 2008;2:88-96.

98.          Verdecchia P, Angeli F and Cavallini C. Ambulatory blood pressure for cardiovascular risk stratification. Circulation. 2007;115:2091-3.

99.          Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Cavallini C, Gattobigio R, Gentile G, Staessen JA and Reboldi G. Blood pressure reduction and renin-angiotensin system inhibition for prevention of congestive heart failure: a meta-analysis. European heart journal. 2009;30:679-88.

100.       Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Cavallini C, Mazzotta G, Garofoli M, Martire P and Reboldi G. The optimal blood pressure target for patients with coronary artery disease. Current cardiology reports. 2010;12:302-6.


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